History and Public Memorialization of Slavery and the Slave Trade: Liverpool-Nantes 2nd – 3rd July.

As the two major European slave trading ports in their respective countries, the cities of Nantes and Liverpool share both a conunon past and a conunon ‘duty of memory’ in leading the way towards the full incorporation of slavery’s legacies into local, national and international histories. To this end, both cities have inaugurated major projects to remember their slave trading histories, from the opening of the International Slavery Museum in Liverpool in 2007 to the recent Nantes Memorial to the Abolition of Slavery (2012). In order to reflect on the impact of memorial projects to date, and envisage future initiatives linking Nantes and Liverpool, this event will bring museum professionals from both cities together with academies working on the-history and memory of the slave trade.


































OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Virginie Chaillou-Atrous (1 juillet 2014). History and Public Memorialization of Slavery and the Slave Trade: Liverpool-Nantes 2nd – 3rd July. L’Europe, les Européens et le monde. Consulté le 8 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/rm2h

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